Family Mediation Sutton Coldfield
Experiencing a divorce or separation can be an incredibly stressful ordeal. However, there is a solution.
Family Mediation Sutton Coldfield is here to assist you. Reach out to us today to connect with one of our accredited mediators and find the support you need during this challenging time.
Dispute Revolution - Family Mediation Sutton Coldfield
Professional and Experienced Mediators
Marriage is a beautiful institution that permits two people to live together, share their joys and sorrows, and grow old with each other. However, in some instances, differences may arise, causing the relationship to crumble down. When the differences grow irreconcilable, divorce becomes the only option.
Before jumping ahead with a divorce proceeding, parties need to attend a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting). In this blog, we discuss why a MIAM is so important before filing for divorce.

Family Mediation Sutton Coldfield
A MIAM is a meeting with a mediator to find out all of the options that are available for resolving any issues between the parties. This meeting is designed to inform parties of their available options for the separation of a marriage (divorce, separation, and annulment) and to determine whether mediation could be a suitable way for the parties to resolve disputes. The mediator will also provide information on how mediation works, and this meeting is confidential.
Save Money:
Filing for divorce may be very expensive and often requires court action. The family mediation Sutton Coldfield process provides a way for parties to settle their disputes amicably without having to spend time and money. If parties agree on the terms of the settlement agreement, there will be no need to go to court. Therefore, before filing for divorce, you should attend a MIAM to determine whether mediation is a suitable way for you and your partner to resolve disputes and save money.
Saves Time:
Dealing with issues around a failed marriage can take years to conclude, but going through the mediation process can take just a few months. The aim of mediation is to resolve disputes quickly and amicably. If you attend a MIAM before filing for divorce, you may learn that the mediation process offers a much quicker and more efficient path to settling disputes relating to your marriage.
Encourage Co-parenting:
If you and your partner are parents, it’s essential to maintain positive co-parenting relationships for the benefit of the children involved. Going to court and airing dirty linen in public may not be the best thing for children. The mediation process encourages parties to work together to establish a co-parenting plan that’s in the best interests of the children. So, if you’re considering filing for divorce, remember to attend the MIAM process to work out a mutually beneficial co-parenting plan.
Offers an Opportunity for a Better Outcome:
Unlike adversarial court proceedings, mediation provides parties with the chance to develop solutions that work for everyone. The mediator’s goal is to help parties come to a resolution where both parties win. Mediation is known to have much higher levels of satisfaction with the outcome, reduced stress levels, and a better relationship with ex-partners than litigation. Thus, attending family mediation Sutton Coldfield before filing for divorce is an excellent way to set the path for a more positive outcome.
It’s essential to note that MIAMs are mandatory before filing for divorce or court proceedings related to family matters. While it may seem like an extra hassle to attend a mediation meeting, the benefits of attending a MIAM before filing for divorce are many.
A MIAM can save you and your partner money, time, and emotional distress. In addition, a MIAM can also encourage you to approach disputes in a more collaborative manner, helping maintain a better ongoing relationship with your ex-partner. So, if you are considering filing for divorce, attending a MIAM should be your first step.